Can we also name GOD, the Ultimate Power..... !!!!!

When we name the most negligible of things, we cause its existence to be deformed. We give a name, the boundary is formed and the existence changes for the lesser. The actual fact is, that we shall never be able to name the Ultimate Power (God). The reason is simply this, that: nowhere do our eyes perceive Him; nowhere do our hands touch Him; nor do the ears ever hear Him – nowhere is a meeting possible with Him. And yet those who have known say, ”Our eyes see Him alone, everywhere. Our ears hear His voice alone; whatever we touch, it is He we touch and whomever we meet, it is Him!” But these are people who know. 

Those who do not, see Him nowhere. Then how will they name Him? And how can those also, who know, who see and hear Him everywhere name Him? For only that can be named which is at one place. One person we call a Christian for he is found in the Church and not in Mandir (temple). But if this man is encountered again in a temple, then again in a Gurdwara and again in a Masjid; if he is found with a sandal-wood mark on his forehead performing Kirtan one day and found offering prayers in the Gurudwara the next day, it will be difficult to call him a Sikh. Then it becomes very difficult for you for wherever you go, you find the same man. It is now impossible to name him a Sikh. Those who know not, cannot name Him for they know not whom to name. And those who know, also cannot name Him, for they know all names are His. Everywhere, it is He and He and He!

Words and names, are all the creation of the mind. It is the mind that conceives and forms and Mind is ignorance. The mind knows nothing. But it creates even that which it does not know. Then we get a feeling of satisfaction that now we know. If I were to tell you that you know nothing about God, you will be terribly disturbed. But if I were to say, ”Why, you know everything about God?

The mantra ’Ram-Ram’ you repeat, that alone is His Name.” Then you will feel relieved. If I were to say, ”He has no name and remember, the name you have been repeating, has nothing to do with him,” then the mind falls into a turmoil, in a vacuum, in an emptiness! It finds no support to stand, to hold on. And the mind will quickly try and find a support. Once this is found, there is no need to seek further. The mind provides substitutes for Truth and makes full arrangements. It says, ”This is Truth. It will serve your purpose.” Those who stop at the mind, stop on the paths that are made by man.

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